Technical Digest 13 Specification and Design of Composite Steel Joists


SKU: TD13-2022 Categories: ,


Technical Digest 13 presents information to the specifying professional and the joist manufacturer for the design of CJ-Series composite steel joists. Used in conjunction with the Second Edition CJ-Series Composite Steel Joists catalog, this book provides consistent design methodology, which is important for the proper use of the product. This joist type may be used to provide an economical shallow floor system with reduced floor-to-floor heights, improved column spacing and MEP routing through the open web system. Additionally, the structure is lighter with smaller footings and foundations as well as having an advantageous carbon footprint.

Chapters include:

  • Composite steel joists, CJ-Series, SJI 200-2015
  • Computational aspects of composite joist behavior
  • SJI composite steel joists catalog
  • Serviceability aspects of composite steel joists
  • Lateral design aspects of composite steel joists
  • Project specifications and construction process
  • Composite steel joist bearing seat details
  • SJI Floor Bay Analysis Tool

Published First Edition August 2022

Additional information

Weight 1.46875 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 10.75 × .4575 in
Publication type

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