College Avenue Commons
2015 Design Award Winner
Tempe, AZ
Structural Engineer
Complete Structural Consulting, Inc.
Steel Joist Manufacturer
Steel Fabricator
Schuff Steel
The ASU College Ave Commons project used vertically oriented long-span steel joists on the face of a post-tensioned concrete building to support an architectural metal veil offset from the face of the structure. This provided both an interesting architectural look to the structure, as well a sun-shade for the LEED Silver certified building. The application of the joist was especially complex at the corner of the building where the 14’-0” deep, double-layer joists were supporting 10’-0” deep joists which framed into their sides. The steel joist system with double-angle joists members allowed for an small-profile, light, exposed, section that was also had enough rigidity to hold the architectural sun-shade skin.