Covelli Multi-Sport Arena
2021 Design Award Winner
Columbus, OH
Structural Engineer
Jezerinac Geers
Moody Nolan, Inc.
Steel Joist Manufacturer
New Millennium Building Systems
Steel Fabricator
Ohio Steel Industries
This project is a new 3,700 seat multi-sport arena for The Ohio State University, built for the volleyball, gymnastics, fencing, and wrestling teams. Twenty five bowstring joists clear span the arena, with a 12′-0″ center depth arching down to just 1′-9″ deep at the supports, and an 8′-4″ top chord cantilever at one end. The bowstring joists provide an architecturally elegant, robust system for the 187 foot spans, and the joist web system was coordinated to allow passage of two six foot diameter air handling ducts.