Amusement Park Ride
2009 Design Award Winner
Orlando, FL
Structural Engineer
Bliss & Nyitray, Inc.
BRPH Companies
Steel Joist Manufacturer
CMC Joist and Deck
Steel Fabricator
Steel Fabricators, LLC
Rip Ride Rockit is a themed attraction to help the owners need to cross market Universal Music’s brand with Universal Studios theme park entertainment. Constructed at Universal Studios Orlando in Florida, the project has two main components: a roller coaster with advanced sound, video and lighting features; and an outdoor concert pavilion.
The buildings have structural steel roof systems that utilize custom arched open-web joists. The owner was able to get the desired roof shapes, even applying custom rigging loads, while taking advantage of the cost savings afforded by the joist construction. This system allowed the contractor to bring the roof in on budget while maintaining the vision developed by the Owner’s creative design team.