Riverdale Country School Aquatic Center
Riverdale, NY
Structural Engineer
Robert Silman Associates
PBDW Architects
Steel Joist Manufacturer
Canam Steel Corporation
Steel Fabricator
Steven Nicholas, Inc. / GMC Contracting
The new 13,000 sf aquatic center is a great addition to the facilities at Riverdale Country School in the Bronx, NY. It houses a six-lane swimming pool that will be used for competitions as well as locker rooms. Joists span over 64 feet to create enough open space for the pool. The building is built into a cliff so coordination with walls was critical. The joists had to be spliced in order to fit into the tight site, but after assembly still provided the open area for the pool. The entire roof system was left exposed, creating a great open yet finished look featuring the joists and deck. Because it is a pool environment, both the joists and deck received shop applied coats of Tnemec epoxy paint prior to delivery to the site.