Design Tools
The Steel Joist Institute provides a plethora of resources to assist you in building and designing with steel joists and joist girders. Click below to view the resources.
Floor Bay Comparison Tool – With Vibration
SJI’s design tool helps the SER compare weights, costs, and floor depths for selected bay sizes and framing setups. It offers composite and non-composite designs for open web steel joists, wide flange beams and wide flange girders, though only non-composite joist girders are currently available.
Steel Joist Uplift Analysis Tool
This tool assists the structural engineer with the evaluation of open web steel joists for uplift. It considers uniform net uplift on symmetrical joists with Warren or modified Warren configurations. It is not to be used for joist girders.
Joist Girder Analysis Tool
This Joist Girder Analysis Tool assists the SER in determining the strength of each member within existing joist girders. The tool is applicable for G- or VG-type joist girders, which may be symmetrical or unsymmetrical at the ends.
Joist and Joist Girder Reinforcement Tool
This design tool assists the SER and steel fabricator with the complex task of reinforcing open web steel joists and joist girders in order to increase their strength to accommodate added loads for which they were not originally designed.
Historical Load Tables
The historical load tables originally appeared in the SJI Specification and Load Tables catalogs starting in 1932. Download the tables for the Longspan, SJ-, S-, J-, H-, K, LA-, LH-, LJ-, DLH- and DLJ-Series for free.
Roof Bay Analysis Tool – With Ponding Analysis
This design tool assists the SER with selecting optimal bay sizes and framing options. The tool provides several input options allowing for customization based on project criteria and designer preference as well as owner and code requirements and a ponding analysis option.
Floor Bay Analysis Tool – With Vibration
This Floor Bay Analysis tool assists the SER with selecting optimal bay sizes and framing options. The tool provides several input options allowing for customization based on project criteria and designer preference as well as owner and code requirements.
Joist Girder Moment Connection Design Tools
These design tools assist the SER, the connection designer and the steel fabricator with the complex task of designing appropriate connections between joist girders and columns. The tools can be utilized for wide flange and HSS columns.
Virtual Joist
The virtual joists table provides the approximate section properties for virtual joists for use by the structural engineer of record (SER) in preparing the building structural models.
Virtual Joist Girders
The virtual joist girder table provides the approximate section properties for virtual joists girders for use by the structural engineer of record (SER) in preparing the building structural models.
Floor Vibration Analysis
The Steel Joist Institute has partnered with Dr. Thomas H. Murray to provide a vibration analysis program that combines years of experience in vibration testing with the latest research in the field.