Duke Perris Logistics Center II
Perris, CA
Structural Engineer
Kramer Engineering, Inc.
Herdman-Rierson Architecture + Design, Inc.
Steel Joist Manufacturer
Vulcraft/Verco Group
Steel Fabricator
Duke Pacific, Inc.
The Duke Perris Logistics Center is a LEED Certified building with a 36′ clearance under roof structure for racks & storage. Arched canopies & stone veneer at office areas were added to the project to create a more aesthetic appearance. Interior Steel Buckling Restrained Braced Frames were added to the design to provide superior performance if a seismic event were to occur. The steel joists can handle the long spans needed for rack layouts in distribution warehouses. By using steel joists, the sprinkler branch lines can pass through the joists and an ESFR fire protection system can be used in the building (in lieu of in rack fire protection). In addition, steel joists are able to handle the large axial loads required for seismic wall anchorage of the tilt-up panels.