Ice Rink & Fitness Facility
Prior Lake, MI
Structural Engineer
Clark Engineering Corporation
HTG Architects
Steel Joist Manufacturer
Steel Fabricator
American Structural Metals
Steel is the material of choice for the SMSC Ice Arena, complete with an environmentally friendly green roof. The 63,223 square foot facility sits in the heart of the SMSC community, adjacent to the 214,000 square foot Dakotah! Sport & Fitness facility and is also connected to the community’s Playworks Educare and Event Facility. The new construction integrates multiple sustainable initiatives in addition to the green roof and serves as a learning tool for the community and their members.
From a structural standpoint, the project stands out as unique due to its two-piece, bottom-bearing, long span joist system designed with a camber which provides a good slope for equal roof drainage.
The installed joists span approximately 125 feet and support a 6” extension green roof. The 32,648 square foot green roof is the largest of its kind in the upper Midwest. With a combination of sedum, pumice, ground coconut husks and pine bark, the roof’s design protects itself from ultraviolet radiation, significantly extending the life of the roof.