February 19: Vibration of Floors Supported by Open Web Steel Joists: Overview & Recent Innovations


SKU: WebinarFebruary2025 Categories: ,


This session will cover AISC Design Guide 11 and SJI Technical Digest 5 guidance for evaluating vibration serviceability for floors supported by open web steel joists (OWSJ). Differences between OWSJ floors and floors supported by hot rolled steel framing, recent innovations, and practical design tools will be discussed.

This webinar is provided by the Steel Joist Institute. Participants can earn 1.5 PDHs.

Learning Objectives

  • Refresh knowledge of AISC Design Guide 11 and SJI Technical Digest 5 methods for evaluating steel joist floors.
  • Become aware of flush frame connections and their benefits.
  • Recognize key improvements to the vibration evaluation methods for steel joist floor systems.
  • Become familiar with the vibration of hybrid steel joist/mass timber floors.


Brad Davis, Ph.D., S.E., P.E.


Date: February 19, 2025
Time: 3:00-4:30 p.m. ET

Who Should Attend This Webinar?

Structural engineers, fabricators, detailers and connection design firms that are responsible for steel joist and joist girder building designs and their connections. Those with very little design experience as well as those with many years of experience will find the course beneficial.

Professional Development Hours

Each participant can earn 1.5 PDHs and receive a certificate of completion from SJI.

Registration Fees

Registration is $95 per person for individual and $495 for site registration.

  • Individual registration provides unique links for login for each individual you register.
    • If you order multiple individual registrations, you will need to email webinars@steeljoist.org the names and email addresses of the individuals you purchased the webinar for so they can receive their unique link.
  • Site registration provides one link for login, allowing multiple people to view the webinar.

Additional information

Registration Type

Individual, Site